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米容VZONE 品牌形象設計

米容 VZONE 品牌形象設計 ; project_CI (2019:07); branding design/interior design_Album Rivers  

「人們微笑的酒窩、開心比Yeah的手勢與乘載祝福的信封開口,都存在著裝載幸福的V。」 命名過程從「美容」的閩南語諧音發想,在剪刀打開之後的V字型空間裡,尋找著更多美好的可能。米容做為福予髮型的三號店,有別於福予以往高價精品髮型的調性,以溫暖活力的檸檬黃為品牌標準色,希望營造一個沒有距離、在不拘束的精緻中分享溫度的美髮環境。 圖像標誌以手寫信封表示「傳遞心意」的祝福,就同如用雙手剪頭髮的人,透過雙手的溫度給人帶來幸福的笑容。從整體品牌調性中,我們設定了鄰家女孩的人物形象,透過親和的活力氛圍,加深品牌的視覺印象。延伸在品牌製作物上,作為輔助視覺並帶入功能性,讓消費者在每次消費時可以更簡單快速的了解自己的消費額度。 多一份簡單的溫度,少了些拘謹的距離,米容Vzone與每個人一起分享、創造更多美好與笑容的所在。


The integrated planning from brand naming, identification to space, we create a relaxed temperature but delicate brand for VZONE.VZONE is a homonym for "beauty" in Taiwanese. Looking for more beauty from the symbol of the V shape when opening the scissors, the gesture of Yeah, and the dimples when smiling. The logo with handwriting envelope expresses blessing from heart, and the warm and vibrant lemon yellow is the standard color of the brand. It also sets a character image of the girl next door to the propaganda, which can solve the complexity of message communication and deepens the brand impression.In terms of interior design, the warm color of white is based on brand’s tone. Through simplified the processing, reducing the waste and pollution to balance the natural and simple.The additional birch branches simplicity to be easy instead of distance. In 2nd floor, the sketch creations of smiley faces participated in are the best footnote for VZONE: we rely on both hands to pass the temperature, and we hope to create an environment for hairdressing that has unrestricted constraints.



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